Sunday, December 9, 2012

seven months

Harlow is seven months old- December 8, 2012

 This is a "Hudson" face!
 Love that leg up!
At seven months old.....
weight: 15 lbs. 4 oz. (according to home scale)
length: 25 1/4 inches (very hard to measure because she does NOT lay still!)
diaper size: size 2
clothes: 6 month
bottles: 5 oz. varies on time, much less since started eating food
food: all baby foods, stage 1 & 2, 3 meals a day
Little things about Harlow.....
-she does not stop moving! she can crawl and does so all over the house!
-no sitting yet due to the above movement, hence taking these 7 month pictures was not easy!
-has two teeth, bottom middle
-loves Yogurt Melts, and watching her chew them is hilarious
-loves Sophie the Giraffe
-still laughs whenever her brothers cry
-can pull herself up onto her knees (and as I wrote this just pulled herself up to her FEET!)
-still a great sleeper, we put her in her crib and she falls right to sleep, at night and for naps
-spits up way too much!
-has a cold right now, nose as red as Rudolph
-lays underneath the Christmas tree and tries to grab the ornaments
-still loves mommy and is soothed by the sight of me or sound of my voice
-she can be stubborn and not let anyone feed her but mommy
-she likes to play with toys on the floor but will always go after her brothers toys first
-she can jump in her jumpies but would still prefer to be crawling free on the floor
-she lets me put a headband on her whenever I want
-she can put her do-do (pacifier) in by herself
-the only noise she really makes is a grunt
-she hates getting her diaper changed now because its time when she can't move, it's annoying to the changer as well, she's a squirmy worm
-she's a totally different baby from 2 months ago....she's always happy and loves everyone

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