Monday, December 10, 2012

#$%*!@ Snow

If I was being completely honest and naming this post what I was really thinking, it'd be called
" I  _____ hate snow!!!" You fill in the blank! I strongly dislike everything about it. It isn't beautiful to me- it's cold, it's messy, and it makes for very dangerous driving. But....because my kids love it, I will tolerate it. And I did an awful lot of tolerating Sunday afternoon.
 They could have sat there and watched Daddy blow the driveway all day long.
 Until they realized that running through the flying snow might be even more fun.

 Pax liked to lay in the snow. Sure, because that seems insane fun!
 This picture...this made it all worth it! Look at that determined face, lips clenched, lifting with his back, putting forth all of his might to get that snowman's belly in place. Ha! Seriously, I can't stop laughing at it.
 But he did it all for them. Hudson was OVER THE MOON excited about his snowman, and even more excited that he was still standing this morning.
Dear Lord, please help me through the next 4 months. Amen. 

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