Monday, July 1, 2013

last saturday- the golf tourny

Last Saturday was not only Hudsy's birthday, but also the annual golf tournament for my late Uncle Warren. We all headed out to the Country Club to honor his most favorite past time. Even Hudson swung his first club for Uncle Warreny. The kids had fun running around and getting crazy rides in the golf carts. Hudson said it was like he was on a rollercoaster so he put his arms up in the air. And of course, there was some spoiling done by the aunts. Neither Sheri or Vicky can say no to these kids which pretty much makes them the luckiest kids in the world. Vicky always comes with bubba suckers on hand. And Sheri, well, Harlow knows exactly who to go to whenever she wants, well, anything! Who else would let her stick her hands in their pop?? My babies have no idea how loved, and how lucky they really are.

She's still my mama's girl though. Whining for mama to pick her up. I'm not sure I've ever been this loved!?!

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