Friday, July 26, 2013


Hudson has been playing t-ball for almost 2 months now and although his attitude has improved a ton, he makes it known that he does not care for it at all. He says it's just not fun. I think he gets bored. The nights he does the best are when he's fielding in the pitcher's position and he gets a lot of balls. It's the in between waiting time that he doesn't care for. One week my mom asked him if he liked it yet and he responded with, "I know I'm good, but I still don't really like it." But overall, I am very impressed with him. He still went every week (sometimes because of bribery) and he still participated with a smile on his face. He made new friends, one of whom is a girl that has really caught his eye. And since Daddy was his coach, I think they both learned a little about patience, how to work well together, and sometimes how NOT to work well together.
Coach Daddy had to field a runaway daughter who insisted on being close to the action.
And by the looks of that smile, maybe she'll be our ball player!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Impressed he stuck with it, even if he didn't have much choice in the matter! I can see Henry acting the same way. We'll see when we get him enrolled in these kinds of activities soon! First up, Little Ninjas, which starts next week - fingers crossed!