Saturday, September 21, 2013

Florida- iPhone part 2

Me and Mrs. Olson.
I slept with her sometimes, when she'd wake up and want to snuggle.
Me and my mama shopping by the beach.
My favorite little bikini girl. This suit fit her personality perfectly. It was so sassy. The tutu suit she had on the day before was just not her! Graceful and dainty does not fit my girl.
The best looking babe on the beach.
Hudsy was so busy all vacation. He barely got out of the water, and when he did, he spent most of his time with Grandma or Hunter. This was a brief moment I got to love him up.
Her hair indescribable and I kind of love it.
The boys deep sea fishing, Zev and Jamie.
She knows how to work the camera.
This was her goodbye to Florida. Kiss it Carillon Beach!
The flight home, entertaining my energetic and unstoppable girl. She actually listened to the music for awhile, got bored and thought this was funnier.
And a few pictures of the house we stayed in. It was called White Caps Inn and it fit all 13 of us for 8 days.

This staircase led up to the tower which was Hudson's favorite place to sleep with Hunter.

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