Thursday, April 24, 2014

exploring at the park

The kids have a favorite park in town and we spent another afternoon there last weekend. Unfortunately its not in walking distance (but fortunately right next to the Target for some convenient shopping!). They each have their "go to" activity there. Harlow loves idea what this thing is called so I'll go with "spinny thingy". It could also be called the "spin so fast and get so dizzy you'll want to barf thingy". But no surprise, she loves it. Climbs on, spins like crazy, falls off, climbs back on, repeat.  

Paxton loves the spider web and pretends he's all sorts of mean and icky creatures climbing around that thing. 
This teeter totter thing isn't Hudson's favorite, but I just loved his genuine smiles and laughter......

But this is Hudson's favorite, the woods and creek behind the park. He was bummed the water was still too high to get into the tunnel, but that didn't stop him from finding long sticks and rocks to throw in the creek. 

When it was time to go I told them that Mommy had let go of her many fears of them falling in for long enough and couldn't take it anymore. They assured me that they wouldn't let go of that tree and were safe as safe could be. But for some reason, I didn't trust that skinny little measly tree, or their little fingers holding onto it for dear life. I'm pretty sure they'll be 50 years old before I'm ready to let go and let them live a little!

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