Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Oh, my many things to say about her, yet most of the time I find myself speechless. If you know all three of our children, it doesn't take long to realize just how very different Harlow is than her brothers. They have always been more reserved, Harlow is anything but! She has the ability to drive me absolutely mad, but I still find myself telling her several times a day, how awesome she is. She'll climb into her high chair, hang upside down from the table, walk on top of the counters, jump off the couch, hide with snacks, and all I can say is, "you're awesome". So here are a bunch of pictures, and little snippets about my girl......
If she can see herself in the camera, she loves to take pictures. If she can't, she usually won't look at me, or will give me some silly pose or face, knowing all too well that is not what I'm asking for. 
She loves attention. She often does something that she finds to be funny and entertaining and wants everyone to look at her. 
She is a hider!! She loves to hide. And if I didn't know all of her usual hiding spots, I would've lost her several times already, even in public places! She runs and she runs fast. At school, she loves to run down the hallway, then she'll jet into a classroom and she's out of sight in no time. Usually hiding behind the door, crouched down, quiet as a mouse. The first time she did this, my heart sank to my feet because I couldn't find her. Stinker! At home her favorite place is in the bathroom, between the wall and the vanity. She hides there with her brother's toys, with her pacifiers (that she's only supposed to have in her crib), and CANDY!!!!!! She is a candy/snack/gum thief! If we didn't know this about her, I'd be convinced we have a family of mice living in our house because we're always finding tiny pieces of candy wrappers in peculiar places. 
She does everything her own way, and that's not always the easy way. I mean, normally you wouldn't climb up the book case to the top shelf. Normally, humans don't actually use the steps of a doll house. But Harlow does. 

This is her "look", the eyes that are so mad at you. I have to get a picture of her real mad look, arms crossed, eyebrows scrunched, and stomping feet. It's priceless. She gets mad pretty much whenever she doesn't get her way. 
She knows what alcohol is, calls it "booze", and is always asking people if they're drinking booze. I'm sure when she does this with other people, their first impression of our family is that we must be a bunch of alcoholics. But it's just something that we've had to teach her because if we didn't, and she came across an unsupervised bottle/can/glass of alcohol, she'd chug it down in no time. Booze she knows she can't have. Clearly in the picture below she really wasn't drinking wine from a mini-wine bottle. But she wanted that "just her size" bottle so bad, Maddi refilled it with water. She downed about 3 full glasses. I'll send this picture out with her 21st birthday invitations. 
She gets time-outs and plenty of them.....enough said. 
She's not shy.
She's an eater. She's not picky about anything. I can only think of a few things that she doesn't particularly care for and only one thing that she's ever spit out, a maraschino cherry (I don't blame her). She's also a messy eater!! Depending on the meal, sometimes its necessary for her to eat in diaper only. She should probably live in diaper only because her clothes never stay clean throughout an entire day. And when I say "not clean", I mean stained!  
She likes to be scary.
She loves her aunties. She used to be a mama's girl, now without a doubt, she's an aunties girl. 

Sunglasses are her thing. She keeps them in the cupholder of her car seat and puts them on first thing and keeps them on. And usually doesn't mind if they happen to be upside down.
She has THE BEST BED HEAD EVER!!!!!!!!! 

In conclusion, she is funny, entertaining, kind, frustrating, sweet, wild, polite, sassy, independent, smart, exhausting, and........... SHE'S AWESOME!!! 


Erin said...

Love this so much. She's the cutest!!!! Makes me so excited to have a daughter, too. :)

Melissa Gieseke said...

She is a spit fire, that's for sure! A gymnast like mommy! So cute!!