Wednesday, July 30, 2014

last saturday/sunday

The Johnson five plus Grandma, Sheri, and Carson all headed to the Gaylord water park last Saturday. The clouds loomed over the late morning/early afternoon so we stopped for lunch at a bar and grill, and as we ate, the sun shined through and we were ready to swim.

I loved her faces coming down the slide. Her tongue usually out.

We love having Carson with. Even though there's a bit of an age difference, he plays so well with the boys and LOVES Harlow!

Of course we wouldn't get through an afternoon without a little sibling abuse. Paxton and Harlow were both at the top of the fish slide, Harlow first, and Paxton ran out of patience and pushed her down. So.....timeout at the pool. I asked Harlow to go by Paxton so he could say he was sorry, which he did not want to do (obviously, look at those mean eyes!). So what does the poor girl do? Hug him and tell him its okay, guilting an apology out of him. Nicely played sister!

On Sunday we played around the house for awhile, cleaned the vehicles and garage, climbed Hermann the German (realizing we hadn't even been there yet this summer), and went to Grandpa and Grandma's to ride the four wheelers.

Harlow stayed at the bottom while me and the boys went up. Both of them claiming they weren't scared one bit, and I don't think they really were, at least not enough to stop them from going up. But Paxton did mumble to himself, "Why did I even do this, it's the scariest thing ever!?", as he clung to the stair railings for dear life. And right before the last flight of stairs, Hudson said, "That's okay, I'll just wait down here for you guys. It's funner here." Not a chance buddy! So we all made it to the top, on a VERY windy day!

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