Thursday, July 24, 2014

videos lately

Here are a few short videos I've taken of the kids lately......

Harlow was trying to help Paxton get his swimming trunks on. This was a snapchat video so its pretty short, and I missed Harlow saying at the end, "There!" like she just accomplished something great! 

Hudsy just being silly. He's always asking if I'm taking a snapchat picture/video because he knows those disappear right away and he wants it to stay on my phone forever.

Possibly the cutest squishy cheeks to ever dance!

Harlow was loving the Merry-Go-Round at Valleyfair until Jamie said, "Here comes the guy" and scared her death. He was talking to me, because I had my phone out and was already warned by the ride operator to put it away, but I'm pretty sure poor Harlow thought he was out to get her, you can see the fear on her face.

This is my daughter...crazy, strong, and fearless. Daycare told us that she could flip around on the bar/rings, so Jamie put ours up and sure enough, she swings around like a monkey. I keep telling her she's too little and that it scares me, but then she just does it more and hangs upside down saying, "What Mommy, this??".

Harlow and Mommy had a little love fest while waiting in line at the car wash. I love her sweet voice. I pretty love everything about her I guess. (Notice her "so much" is really "po much". She replaces a lot of sounds with a "p" sound, like c, ch, s, f. My favorite thing she says is "this is pun (fun)!!" 

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