Friday, August 21, 2015

goodbye to daycare

Little Miss Harlow Mae had her very last day at daycare EVER, and thus closes a chapter for this family. Bittersweet as the kids are growing up too fast, but looking forward to an exciting future. Harlow said good bye to Katie and her friends and she's off to full day preschool next week. Harlow is going to MLC Tuesday through Thursday, and still spending Monday and Friday with her aunts and grandmas. She is more than ready for this transition. She's excited for school and has been envious of her brothers. She's quick to tell you she's a big girl as she holds up her three little fingers saying, "I'm this much."And though I know she'll do fine, since she is quite a big mama's girl, I fear her little arms will cling to my legs as I drop her off, tears might well up in her eyes, her lip might quiver, and she might ask me to stay leading us both to break down and cry, but.....I have no doubt that she'll get over it quickly, that she'll jump into playing and learning and making fast friends.

We visited the school last week and she ran that building like she owned it, happily exploring all that it has to offer.

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