Thursday, October 23, 2008

Times at home

These are just a few pics of me hanging out at home with Mom. We steal Daddy's change when he's not looking and put it in my piggy bank. He usually chases us into my room but we're faster and get the money in the bank before he catches us! Its a fun game! We always say, "finders keepers, losers weepers"! Mom took a picture of my butt because there was a frog on it. She's so weird sometimes! I tried riding my rocking lion from Maddi but I'm a little wobbly yet. I'll work on it though. Mom puts me in my pack n' play during the day for a nap, but little does she know, as soon as she puts me down, I open my eyes and start playing. Naps are for babies, and I'm a big boy!!! Last time I wasn't sneaky enough and I accidentally hit my rainforest toy and it started playing......busted!!!! Whoops! I better learn more about this before I start sneaking out of the house or I'll be in big trouble!

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