Saturday, September 1, 2012

a good day

In Paxton's new temporary world, today was a good day. And a complete difference from yesterday. I know we have many hard days ahead of us, but this day made me feel better. He was less scared of moving and actually asked to do different things. I figured out that if I carried him around in a laying position, it didn't cause him any pain, so thats what I did, everywhere. He wanted to go outside like nothing else, so we set up the futon that we were selling at the garage sale, hooked up a fan for him, and he laid outside, watching garage salers come and go, and he loved it! And a little sympathy from complete strangers made him feel good too.
 Gotta love that smile! (Paxton is completely potty trained, but since underwear don't fit over his cast, especially with that bar, we've found that a diaper works best, and soaks up any potty drips to keep his cast as dry as we can. He isn't happy about wearing the diaper and has very sternly told me that he is NOT a baby! And he still gets up to go to the bathroom.)
 And he still gets to eat corn on the cob too!
 He was able to visit with friends outside. And he's proud to show off his hard pants.
 And sister, well, she was just cute today. A little cranky, but still cute.
No picture of brother Hudson. He still runs around, mostly outside, to and from the neighbors house, and checks in with us every once in awhile. I'm thankful to have such great neighbors that will keep him occupied with friends to play with, while his best pal is healing.

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