Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Packy- 2 week update

Well, it's been 2 weeks....and it feels like it's been forever! Not all bad, just different. Packy is doing AMAZING! I continue to be in awe of him and I know that he's handling this so much better than I ever would in his situation. He would even tell you, "I like my hard pants." But he does have times of frustration, where he just cries to cry, throws his arms around, hits his cast, and we let him because he has every right to. Those moments are few and far between now, but they still happen. Mostly when he's overtired or has just woken up. But most of the time you would find him on the floor, smiling that smile that makes your heart break for him, with the cutest buzz cut I've ever seen! (Yep, he even went to the hair salon and got his hair cut while laying over the chair!). He's become a master at doing anything and everything while laying on his tummy. He plays trucks, reads books, eats, rolls, plays with Sister, even army crawls wherever he wants to go. And does NOT want any help! If you move a toy closer to him, he insists you move it back because HE can get it! Unfortunately, all that is taking a toll on his elbows. They're sore and red. 
He noticed I was wearing socks and wanted them on too, but said he only needed one because his other foot is "beat up".  
I think my baby is already getting skinnier. I don't remember him having quite as much room around his tummy and back :(
Please excuse the slight nudity in the following picture. He was "airing out" and told me, "Look at me Mom, I can sit, watch!"

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