Friday, May 31, 2013

comparing sweet faces

I was looking back at the boys' height and weight statistics from when they were each 1 year old.
Hudson- 21 lbs. 10 oz. (27%) 29 1/4 in. (25%)
Paxton- 20 lbs. 10 oz. (19%) 30 3/4 in. (80%)
Harlow- 18 lbs. 5 oz. (8%) 29 in. (45%)
And that lead me to looking at pictures from when each child was 1 year old. The differences and similarities. Here is a picture with Mommy with each of them at/around 1 year old. See what you think....

If you see what I see, Paxton and Harlow could be twins! Same eyes, same nose, same chin. BUT......take a look at this, Hudson and Harlow at 1 year old......
SAME EVERYTHING!! Eyes. Nose. Cheeks. Hair. Chin. Squinty, crooked to the right side smile!!!! I guess our girl is a perfect little mix of both of her brothers. And a little bit of just her too.

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