Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Harlow's Party

We celebrated this spunky, energetic, wild, sweet, adorable little one year old on Saturday. She was THE CUTEST thing on the entire planet in her tutu outfit. And she loved it. Her necklace came off at one point, and she brought it over to me to put back on her. Girl loves her accessories.
And girl is loved. Grandma was thrilled to finally have a good picture with her only granddaughter. And Maddi, in typical Maddi fashion, held Harlow down until she could no longer resist.
Unlike Mommy, Harlow had no fear of getting dirty in her pretty outfit. She ran around outside, crawled on the deck, grass, and dirt, played in the sandbox, and munched cookie crumbs.
This was a sight we saw often.....tutu in the air!
Birthday girl was even nice enough to share some cookie crumbs with Nala.
Godfather Ryan was excited to get some lovin' from Harlow and even more thrilled to get some from Packy. 
Sister enjoyed all the balloons, playing with cousins, and opening presents....except not really opening presents. She grabbed a couple and then let her brothers and cousins tear them up. She got a new wagon, her very first Barbie and convertible, a Vikings cheerleading outfit, a Rody horse (look it up, its supposed to be the #1 toy for toddlers and it was such a hit Grandma already ordered it for the boys), some adorable outfits, beach towels, and other various toys and money. She could've gotten nothing and still would've been a happy birthday girl, but we sincerely thank our family!
She was the center of attention and LOVED IT!

It took her awhile to dive into her cake. Cousin Regan helped her along by giving her a little taste. She liked squishing it between her fingers much better than eating it.

Harlow and her brothers and cousins; Hudson, Sidney, Paxton, Carson, and Regan.
And parents, who love their little girl unconditionally. Her sassiness and all.

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