Thursday, May 16, 2013

twelve months

Harlow is twelve months old- May 8, 2013
A picture to document her ever-so-thin blonde hair, and her scream she gives when she's told no.
Hudson came in with a plate of pancakes and Harlow was all over him. Followed his every move, never taking her eyes off the pancakes. He left the room and she gave out a good wail of a cry.

At twelve months old.....
weight: 18 lbs. 5 oz. (in the teeny, tiny 8th percentile)
height: 29 inches (45th percentile)
diaper size: size 3
clothes: grew out of 9 month winter/spring clothes and into 12 month summer clothes
bottles: GONE! drinking whole milk from a sippy cup
food: EVERYTHING! only dislikes have been bananas and Jell-O

Little things about Harlow.....
-she quit the bottle like a champ, cold turkey, and never looked back
-hasn't spit up since she stopped drinking bottles
-loves milk from a sippy and anything that's in her brothers' cups
-she blows kisses and does it with force
-she loves to go to bed and immediately grabs for a do-do and bumper tie
-she sleeps on her back 90% of the time
-walks like a pro and practically runs, get her outside and she runs wild and loves it
-is a drama queen! if she wants something she can't have she will cry immediately and not stop until she gets it
-if you scold her, she gets a pouty lip and looks for someone else to tell on you
-she has a mark on her nose that the doctor says is an inverted oil gland and will go away on it's own
-she bites her crib and has made teeth mark and gauges, pretty much ruined the entire front bar
-loves to eat and eats alot! if you share with her, you get none
-already loves to play on my phone and knows how to unlock it and touch with her fingers
-if you're holding her, she is inevitably pinching your arm or neck without even realizing it
-she looks adorable in summer clothes!!
-at first loved baths with her brothers, now hates it and wants to be in there alone
-climbs onto and into everything, daycare says they've never seen anything like it
-if she's mad, she'll scream at you
-likes to tease people by not giving them kisses
-she had a terrible week of teething (i teeth) but never got any teeth (still 6)
-to mommy's delight, doesn't mind wearing shoes anymore and even lifts her foot to put them on
-was a very good patient at her 12 month check up, cooperated with everything the nurse and doctor wanted to do and smiled her way through it, until the shots
-undoubtedly still loves her mommy more than anything

I can't believe this beautiful baby is ONE YEAR OLD!! She is a ball of mischief and sweetness all rolled into one adorable little girl. Mommy loves you Miss Harlow Mae Josephine!

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