Monday, October 27, 2014

1st lost tooth

Hudson had his first loose tooth last week and didn't tell a single soul. He and I were playing a game when I thought I noticed a space between his teeth. It was so loose that he could pull it all the way back, according to him it had been loose for "like 100 days". I asked him why he didn't tell and he didn't really have an answer, but knowing him the way I do, it was likely to avoid the very reaction he got out of me!! I smothered him with kisses, asked a million questions, and got teary-eyed. All of which he said was "weird". He went to bed and when I woke him the next morning for school, he told his tooth had fallen out through the night. I asked him a million questions, but all he said was "I don't know, but it's right here", pointing to a tiny white tooth laying on his bed.

The Tooth Fairy came the next night, leaving five SPARKLY dollars and a letter. He also thought that was "weird". I asked him to smile for a picture and he told me that from now on he'd have to smile with his mouth closed because he looks silly without a tooth. I assured him that everyone loses their teeth and he's still the cutest 6 year old there ever was. He has a second loose one already.

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