Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day 2013

The dads of the world got a beautiful day to be celebrated. And we sure did celebrate ours! Hudsy was very excited to give him his present. He carried it out of our hiding place all by himself, found things to hide it while Daddy walked out, and made sure Daddy had his eyes closed until he was ready. He knew he would love it....
And he did!! A Schell's firepit (this is only the ring, Daddy had to put the rest together).
Then each of the boys gave him their questionnaires we filled out earlier. Lots of questions about Daddy and lots of great answers. While I was asking them the questions, Pax blurted out, "I'm really good at this." He thought it was a game about Daddy and he was gonna win because he knows all about his daddy.
Not sure if you can read everything (might have to click on the pictures to enlarge them).
Jamie got a kick out of some of their answers. His favorites- that Hudsy thinks he has big muscles and that Packy wants to buy him new underwear.
All week the boys have been singing him their special song they learned at daycare. I love this. Heart melted.
He didn't get away without doing some work though! With the help of the boys, he trimmed all the bushes and mowed the lawn. Keep up the good work Daddy!
We had a birthday party in the park later on. You wouldn't think it'd be possible, but Harlow is getting wilder and wilder everyday. She has no fear of anything, refuses to sit still for any amount of time, gets into everything, and would eat and/or drink ALL DAY LONG!!! Everywhere we go, people are always amazed at the energy and spunk this little one has. And at how fast she is. And strong. Sitting on Daddy's lap, she grabbed right for his beer and he had a heck of a time pulling it from her grip.
We took our first trip of the year up to greet Hermann the German. I asked the boys to sit on the step for a quick picture and all on their own, they posed together for this sweet pic.
Hudsy, Carson, Packy, and Alec
The most handsome-est boys in the whole wide world.....
Me and Packy all the way at the top!
Sister didn't get to climb up with us. She stayed down below and yelled for her mama! Pretty sure she tried pulling the entire 100 foot statue down.
Happy Father's Day Daddy. The boys love you. Harlow loves you.
And I love you.

1 comment:

Erin said...

You have the cutest family. :) Looks like a great day!!