Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday Hudsy!

The biggest boy got even bigger. Although, not physically, I measured him and even though I thought it seemed like he shot up over night, he didn't. In personality, maturity, and conversation I feel like I'm raising an adult. He amazes me with his words, his questions, and his theories on life. And even though he knew exactly what to expect as he walked into the living room full of balloons, noodle balloons that he specifically asked for, he still had a genuinely thrilled reaction.
Everyone enjoyed the noodle balloons, making animals, head dresses.....
and sister, she just ran through them laughing.
Looking back a year from now, Hudson requested the same thing for his birthday breakfast, blueberry muffins. He poured the oil, cracked the eggs, mixed the blueberries, and ate THREE of them! We sang Happy Birthday to him and he was somewhat leery of the candle because it was a sparkler kind. At least it was supposed to be. Every once in awhile a spark would spurt out scaring the living daylights out of him and Paxton. All while insuing hilarious laughter from the both of them. He blew that candle out from a good distance away.
He enjoyed his three muffins in his new teepee.
His obsession at the moment, Scooby Doo! That will be the theme of his actual birthday party this weekend, complete with a Scooby Doo pinata that he couldn't be more excited about!
After lunch at Happy Joe's and an afternoon at home, we headed out to the Country Club golf course for an annual tournament (more pictures of that to come).

Happy 5th Birthday my sweet boy!

Top 5 things I love most about you- 1) That you know things, you just get things. 2) That you tell me if I need a break from Harlow, you'll watch her for me. And if there's an emergency, you'll yell. 3) That growing into a young boy, your Grandma is still your favorite person in the whole wide world. 4) That you include your brother in almost everything you do. 5) Your memory. You remember the biggest things and the smallest details. You remember things from when you were just a teeny tiny boy and it never ceases to amaze me.
But Mommy loves you most just because you're you.

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