Monday, June 10, 2013

sunday at the park

The Johnson five took a stroll to the park when the rain cleared on Sunday. We got everyone in there respective traveling gear- bikes, helmets, and strollers, and we were off. Paxton gave Harlow some kisses before we left and it was a sweet, unprompted moment between them that I happened to catch. Love when that happens.
When did Harlow get so big? She followed her brothers all around the park. I watched her in awe. She went from this teeny baby to small toddler who barely needs help with anything. 
And if her brothers could do it, she was sure to try it. She made it halfway up that slide before slipping back down. But she tried and tried again. I don't even find myself always standing beside her anymore, just in case she falls. Girl can handle herself. And if she does fall, she's tough. She gets back up and does it again.
Hudson got himself in the baby swing and was determined to get himself back out of it without help. I almost peed in my pants watching him use those little arm muscles to lift his entire body up and out. He refused help until he realized it was a lost cause and had Daddy lift him out.
The boys. Have I mentioned I often times have three little boys most days. Rough housing and running around like wild animals. Daddy loves to get right in there with the little guys.
I've said it a million times, and I'll say it a million more......this boy's smile reaches deep into my heart. He has two kinds, a shy smile and a genuine one, and each one makes me melt like nothing else.
Our little show off. She doesn't stop for a picture very often, but when she does, she knows how to work it.
These two- they aren't always the best of brothers, but they are always the best of friends. They can fight, but they can love a lot better. And no matter the mood, they always want to be with each other.
These simple days together are the ones I love the most.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Family Sundays are pretty much the best thing ever.